Friday, December 25, 2009


Okay, so we all know we can't pick the sex of our babies, but it can't hurt to try an persuade it a little, right?? So EVERYONE help a sister out and Think Pink!!! We will definately find out who this little wonder is going to be in March, so tie your ribbons, paint your nails, and whatever other girly you can think of----- do it and think of me!!!

Love to all!


Thursday, December 17, 2009


So much so much!! There is so much happening this month already! First, my dad turned 59! Congrats to him! Bobby also turned the big 30! He celebrated at the Boiling Pot- yummy seafood dumped on the table for you to eat- and some shuffle board at Buffalo Billiard's.

In between all the birthdays though, a little miracle made it's debut into the world. On Dec 7th, I traveled to the doctor to confirm I am pregnant! We are working on baby number 3, and so excited. I am now entering my 9th week. We are hoping this will be our girl, but healthy and beautiful are the musts! It's funny, I have a co-worker that already claims I am having a girl, just from the little she has seen me. Who knows!?!

During these 2 months I have experienced only about a week of sickness, constant hunger, and some days extreme tiredness. Oh, and cravings- none! I just crave lots of healthy foods, and cheeses. My one "shame shame" is Coke-it is the only thing that will calm my stomach. The queasiness has already gotten better, so I am drinking less and less.

So if you do the math, this will be a July baby. My sister has had that month all to herself for along time, and I guess this little one is movin' in! The due date I was given is July 14th (my sis' b-day!) But I have early babies, so again it is a toss up. It already seems if time has flown by, since I am already 2 months along. Bobby and I had been semi cautious and every month we kinda held our breath, but in October we tried to convince ourselves it wouldn't happen this year. So here we are! I go back to the doctor in January - so more new then!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

These beautiful rainy days flood my mind with memories and make me slow down a notch. There was a time I went to Virginia, and the day we arrived, it was raining. The hills were beautiful and green, with the sky as this huge purple fog. The roads were small, making the trees appear as huge umbrellas above us. The air had such a refreshing effect, as we drove with the windows down. Other flashbacks are the times I rode my bike EVERYWHERE. I remember my little group of friends, riding circles round the coul-de-sac, in the rain with out a care. One of my friends believed when it rained and there was sunshine at the same time, it was"the monkey's birthday"; some still say that, I guess- I know I do. :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rain Rain Rian!!! My mom facebooked to me: "Are ya'll tubing around town?" So much rain, it is wonderful! Hope everyone has plenty of soup and movies to watch!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Making it "Home"

Well. last week, I couldn't resist the deal they had on Gladiolas, and bought some to put in the vases I bought at Ikea (almost a YEAR ago!). I cleared off a few things, stood back, and man! I couldn't believe how beautiful they looked! It was one of the best experiments, with red, in the house.

I wanted to see if the cowboy hat looked good! It was there before the horshoe was, and haven't quite found the perfect hanging. The t.v. was supposed to go there!

This is my "unhandy man" hand drilling the screws into the wall so we can have drapes. I wanted to hang red ones up, but there was a little disagreement about the color scheme.
The one panel ended up on the big dining area window. These drapes are supposed to block out almost 99% of light, so it makes more sense there, since we get pounded with the late afternoon sun; making our little house a chore to cool.

These drapes I have had since . . . hmm, since before we moved to Austin- I know that much! So we put them up, and they aren't too bad. I want to get new ones, but only when bobby and I come to an agreement!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!!

"The Seven Year Itch" by George Axlerod

July 17th was our 7 year Anniversary!

Well it has come and gone, we spent it in a car driving back from Tenessee, and we are more in love than ever! As we look around, we see our children, a house we built, and a beautiful life together. Thank you to everyone who has made our life what it is.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Top Chef

Well, that might be what I would like to be, anyways. I have officially begun my kitchen makeover! I suppose my parents started it for me, by handing over this complete set of new silverware. I think it has 72 pieces! It was something I desperately needed, especially since I can only remember purchasing a "set" at Walmart when I either moved to Austin or right before I had Ethan Cole. I don't know how we survived that long.

So MY first purchase was a KitchenAid spatula in RED! I love this new brick red color they have, and I have been visiting the utensil aisle everytime I am at work. This color has caught my eye for some time; since our friends built a house and had accent pieces in the same color. I longed to find the same shade, and viola! I think I am going to match some paint to it for making my own accent pieces- such as picture frames, and shelves or maybe the front door even.

Other new kitchen tools we have dusted off and finally brought to life, are the "Magic Bullet" and the "FoodSaver". We had yummy strawberry milkshakes last night, by Chef Bobby, plus next week I will try my hand at it by making yogurt smoothies for my play date with Shawna. Today I shrunk all my meals, that I cooked on Tuesday, into tiny little packages for the freezer. I loved
it! This has been a much awaited plan for cooking: spend one day cooking all your meals for the week, then freeze them away till you pick which one you want! The FoodSaver is perfect for this very idea. I can even portion out single servings, so that we can take them for lunch, too. I hope that this will start a new chapter in organization, and I can keep it up. Wish me happy cooking, and let me know if you want a free demo!

~I got a little cheesy with my photo shoot~


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We are going to the Beach!!!

This weekend we are traveling to beautiful Rockport, a little fishing town north of Port Aransas. We are staying in the HEB Lodges on the island and within walking distance from the coast! I am thinking of all the different pics I can take on the beach. We bought the boys these cute "surfing" tops and can't wait to see them in them. I have been looking forward to this all year. We haven't been down to the coast since Ethan was about Evan's age. Awwww, memories. Lata!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Go Tea!

Well I am officially giving up coffee, except for mornings Bobby and I have together. Yesterday I had a cup with two tea bags, and I got the same burst of craziness like I would from from my coffee. The nice difference I noticed, I woke up withOUT a headache. I have been experiencing headaches for the past week or so, knowing it was mainly from lack of drinking water and staying hydrated, but I felt good this morning, and I slept REALLY well last night. And to kick start it, I found a slew of teas on sale yesterday, so I think it was a sign. I am hoping to find a new love for tea, so if anyone has any favorites, send them my way please! I already like Stash and Two Leaves and a Bud. Republic of Tea has a nice variety as well. Wish me luck!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Register Your Complaints Here"

So this is a session where I complain about the roommate we have. Yes, we have been sheltering a friend who has been thru a ton of, well, hurricanes lets say. He moved here from Louisiana. A list of all the things that could go wrong almost all happened to him. So we took him in, CHEAP rent and all. So 3 weeks ago, the final stab to the back- he gets laid off from his job. He takes off at the end of that week, comes back last monday/tuesday. He cashes his Unemployment check and pretty much blows it. He eats a few nights with us and eats a good portion of the almost never bought Trix cereal. I haven't seen one ounce of food contributed back into this house. Nor have I heard one mention of a job hunt or new living arrangements. I can only say one word: moooooooooooooooooooooocher! Thursday I was backed up 100% that he had till this friday to pack up and go. Now supposedly he is trying to find a job. At this point I would do anything, job wise, if I was mooching off a family of four that had taken me in. We haven't asked many favors of him- not even to really babysit the kids, just for an hour tops- and he contributes by doing the dishes- even when I tell him not to/ don't want him to beacause he does it like tazmanian devil and throws my dishes around. But to me- you mooch off of your family, not your friends. Family is there to rescue you, lend you money, eat as much food as you want, buy you cigarettes- not a family that is FINALLY, financially doing well, but don't want to celebrate so as to not be asked to borrow money. He has already been taken to court for owing a friend/roommate money. I don't really care to be a victim, having prior knowledge. I know I may sound heartless. But it really is the past "NON-actions" by him that are not just getting under my skin, but feeding the ulcer in my stomach. How would you feel about someone just taking and taking and taking? Unfortunately he has done it before, and I know he'll probably do it till we say the cord is CUT! I really empathize and can't imagine all the things he has gone thru: (okay here some exp.) roommate jumped ship, broke up, ran his truck off our driveway, got laid off. Yeah, I know it is bad. But I agreed to house a working and contributing person. not a bum. I could have brought home any person to do that if I wanted a LONG time ago.

I told Bobby that I am mainly frustrated by his lack of pursuing ANYTHING, not contributing in the most minor way, and that I live in this house also, and have a right to say how I want things to happen and am tired of not being heard, or being persuaded to another option. I don't take charge except for when you piss me off. I kicked 2 roommates out, way back, so what is to stop me, especially when I have reason. I topped of my argument with the fact that I didn't want these petty little annoyances to come between Bobby and I, and us start arguing because of the situation. I work hard and so does he- but for our family, not for a 30+ year old boy who thinks a $145 check and unemployment is fun. The vacay is over and time to own up or get out, damnit.
So I think I need to stop, but do ya hear me? blaaaaah

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pray for My Bubba

Pray for my Bubba
he's the only one I got
pray for my Bubba
cause I used to wipe the snot
from his nose
when he'd cry
And now I know he
might die
for our country and
all the men
so pray for my Bubba
It doesn't matter when
just remember what
you have and love
the ones you've got
So pray for our Bubba
cause he's our brother, a father
a lover, a fighter
your baby, your son
and he's the only one
We've got

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!!!!!
Year of the Ox

Saturday, January 24, 2009

So I began my new job this week, and I am feeling so awesome about it. There are so many talented people working with me, and at first I thought there was competition for a lead position (semi-manager), but today I found out that my most likely opponents were 1)pregnant and due in April, so that will at least push back her training a tid bit, and 2) smart as hell, but want to go to culinary school, so won't be a manager for that purpose. Sooooo yea! here comes Natalie. My goal is 6 months, but I am thinking it will take a little bit longer- we will just see how focused I can be. I feel like the last year, I have just been DOING a job. Now I want to MAKE this my job. I want to own it, be all knowing(okay that could take sometime). I have a lot to learn, and I need to find a way to make my mind a sponge- like when you are 2 yrs old. Any suggestions? I am guessing a guaranteed cup o' joe or ginseng tea or the CRAZY stuff called GANO will help. Look it up. I am not going to ruin the surprize, cause I am seriously thinking about getting some- but don't judge. I am realizing that right now I am just typing away, like someone is actually going to read this and listen to what I am babbling about. Why is that? Freeedom of type. I have the shutterfly "blog" (LOVE IT) but always find myself being so fucking proper and trying to say the right thing. It is for family and for MY family, so ya know gotta cross my legs and say yes ,ma'am. Well so much has happen this week I am kinda crazy with news:
  1. First, I finally started COTR(Cafe On The Run) and am so excited!
  2. Second, Bobby got another PROMOTION!!! and he is moving to the flagship branch of Enterprise. It leaves me being the tatertot express, but it also means I see the kids more that I thought. Being we live in the boone dox (?) He will have to leave at the but crack of dawn and I will have to also, getting cole to the bus stop and everyone ready by 6:40 AM!!!!!!! So we will see in a week how well I do- I am sure I will give a full detailed report on that one.
  3. Third (why am I still writing the word when the number is there to tell you ?) We are having our friend, of 7 years, move in with us. I am supposed to be cleaning the baby's room, but it seems to be soooo far away. He is moving in because his DUMBASS of a roommate ranoff with his girlfriend. I could write and entire blog about this sleezeball and why you shouldn't be friends with him. So unfortunately Brad had to be a victim. We are looking for fair trade with this deal. He pays basically what we can't totally afford in rent, and he is going to help us with the garage being converted to a somewhat functioning second "living space". Sounds good right? Again, the future is to be seen. . . . .
  4. Fourth? Oh well about an hour ago I was going to venture down yonder to Gruene Hall and not get drunk enough to drive home(totally kidding Jacob!). But instead I am going to have to spend the next few hours deciding what sexy new top to wear to Little Woodrows. Did I say sexy? well I mean mommy sexy, for all of you that know me, and the fact that I am married. I am just meeting a bunch of HEB friends- the ones I miss and loved working with at night. It's so funny the age range of these people, too. from 23 to 50 maybe? and we all hang out and have stuff to talk about and make fun of each other. Soooo off I go to do my hair- but just a little.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

this crazy thing

So I want to have that side thing that I do- I am trying to keep up with my family first! But I have a site with pics and stories about the fam. So this is mine- and i will entertain you with "corky" creations- maybe take my "top" off , to show you what I can make. Ask my husband-"What is she going to do with all those corks?" Well I hope to share that with you soon- maybe it will turn Etsy on me!!! anyway, bedtime. If you find this, cool. Go year of the Ox and hooorah for ARMY, Astronomy and Austin (the soon to come baby)

Next month: the letter B!!
